Manage Medications

Managing existing medications is an important task for patient care that ensures the patient’s information on file is kept current. This includes reviewing a patient's medications, editing, stopping, or deleting medications as necessary, and adding new medications.

Important: If the patient has no medications on file, you should still indicate that you have reviewed and confirmed that the patient has no medications.

To manage a patient’s medications:

  1. Select a patient and open the EHR module.
  2. Click the Medications tab.
  3. Tip: If Carequality is enabled, any records that are reconciled from outside axiUm display a Reconciled () icon. Additionally, a Recon Date column displays the date of reconciliation and a Source column displays the source of the data for reconciled records.

  4. (Optional) Filter the listed results using the following fields:
  5. Note: The default settings are configured by your institution.

    Field Description
    Medications / Prescriptions

    Select the Medications radio button to display all medications that the patient has been prescribed/is taking.

    Show Current only

    Select this checkbox to display medications that have not been end dated and are still active.

    Show Deleted

    Select this checkbox to include deleted medications.

    Note: This is disabled if the Show Current only checkbox is selected.

    Show Reconciled

    Select this checkbox to include reconciled medications.

    Note: This checkbox only displays if Carequality is enabled.

  6. Review the listed entries.
  7. To perform another task, complete any of the following: